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Tangerine Downloads

There's a few download options according to how much time you can spend getting stuff off the net and which version of superCard you're currently running. You may want to read about the bug fixes and new features of Tangerine before downloading.

Note that by downloading any one of these packages, you implicitly agree to the terms of the Evaluation Version Licensing Agreement below. If you do not accept the terms of the agreement, please do not download and do not use an evaluation copy of Tangerine.


Under this license, Rare Software grants you (the user) a temporary license to use Tangerine (the software) for a trial period beginning from the date of receipt and expiring when the user has exhausted the sixty evaluation runs. After this trial period, the software must be registered with Rare Software by paying the required fee or you must stop using it. In no event may the software be used after the trial period, unless it has been registered.

The software is protected by copyright laws and must be treated like any other copyrighted material.

You may copy and distribute the evaluation version of the software in its original form only. You may identify or provide a link to a site where the software may be downloaded.

You may not alter the software in any way, translate it, or reverse engineer it. You may not sublicense or lease the software or in any way distribute it for profit.


You use this software at your own risk. Under no circumstances is Rare Software, the author of this software, or any individual associated with or representing Rare Software liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the software, even if Rare Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. As some jurisdictions do not permit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you.

Rare Software
171 Island Highway,
Victoria, British Columbia
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Phone (250) 479-9936
E-Mail: rareSoft@rareSoftware.com

Latest fixes and new features* (back to top)

Version 1.6 -- Released September 2000


  • capacity for users to reclaim the control-mouseDown interface to display their own contextual menus. You can do this on an object by object basis, or apply it to whole cards, background, windows and projects.To get Tangerine to pass you the mouseDown message while the control key is down, insert this handler in the proper object's script:
    on wantsTGcontrol
    return true
    end wantsTGcontrol
    You can then use Stéphane Leys controlKeyDown() external to make sure the control key is down and pop your own contextual menu.
  • a new command to support the Font menu in the Japanese version of superCard. The Font menu is named differently in the Japanese (FONTO) and US (Font) version of SC. To toggle between the two versions, type "fixFontMenu" in the message box.
  • the ability to insert front and back scripts from any object in the "Script" module of the "Object Lists" palette. Editing front or back script will no longer change the order of the scritps as in the previous versions.
  • First version of the plug-in architecture.
  • double click on any of TG palette's dragBar to collapse the palette.
  • support for aliases in the "Recent" menu. Thanks to two XFCNs from Mark Lucas' s wetWare collection: alias2Path() and path2Alias(). The "Recent" menu should now find your files even if you've moved them around.
  • The "live" feature which makes it possible to isolate the user's project from all superCard generated messages. This creates a work environment similar to superEdit's or the Project Editor's Edit mode where your projects won't respond to events and messages or execute their scripts. See the accompanying "TG live feature" text file for more info on this feature.


  • Menukeys not used by Tangerine are now passed down the inheritance chain. For instance, you can now type command-/ to open from the superTalk reference project.
  • Removed the "allowMouseMessages" checkBox in the superCard preferences module of the Tangerine manager. Setting this option repeatedly caused type 1 crashes. Use the menu equivalent instead: View->Toggle->allowMouseMessages.


  • a bug in TG's opening sequence when the user project had a dangling delimiter (thanks DJ:).
  • a bug in tracking the arrowKeys when modernLook is true and commandKey is down.
  • reserved word in text tools -> styles palette.
  • bug in the new "live" feature, beta b1 to b2 . This bug caused occasional "Where is?" standard file dialogs.
  • SC-Web projects are now recognized when TG is launched from the message box.
  • a bug in the searchScript utility. The bug showed up when using the "replace" option in SC 3.x (Thanks to Lorenz Tschudi for the fix:-).

*A full history file is included with every Tangerine download (back)

Tangerine version 1.6 for superCard 3.6
was released September 2000.
(back to top)
To download Tangerine, click on one of the links below. If you only get a page of code, come back here and click on the link while holding the option key down on your keyboard. This will let you save the file to your hard drive. The file is a binhexed stuffit archive. To decompress it, use Stuffit Expander.

For SuperCard 3.6

Tangerine 1.6 (710K)

This is the latestVersion of Tangerine. Note that you need superCard version 3.6 to run this version. If you're still using SC3.0.x, download Tangerine 1.3 below instead. Note that this version of TG will not work with superCard 3.5. It needs the 3.6 update to function properly. This update to superCard is available free from IncWell if you already own SC3.5.


TG docs (not ready yet)

If you're new to Tangerine, you should download these docs. They include the Tangerine Companion, a manual and reference to Tangerine's features, and TG test, a project that let's you test Tangerine without installing it.


Register Tangerine (74k)

Download this package to register Tangerine via Kagi. You can also register on-line via this page.

Useful Tools

These free utilities are great complements to Tangerine.

This is a new version of the Growth utility by Carl Manaster updated for compatibility with Tangerine. Growth helps you automate the resizing of windows and objects in any project.

MultiMessage 2.0 (143K)

This utility is a powerful alternative to superCard's Message Box. Learn more about it here.


TgFontToMySysFont 1.0.3

These tools by Kenji Kojima hack Tangerine for better compatibility with the Japanese OS and the Japanese version of SuperCard.

SearchScript 3.1 (20K)

A great search and replace utility by Hugh Senior.

FixAnim (5K)

Use this fix on the Animation utility that ships with superCard. It fixes a potential bug and makes the utility compatible with both the Project Editor and Tangerine.

Tangerine 1.5.1 full package (1164K) for superCard 3.6 (released September 1999)

    This package includes everything you need to try Tangerine for the first time. Note that you need superCard version 3.6 to run this version. If you're still using SC3.0.x, download Tangerine 1.3 below instead. Note that this version of TG will not work with superCard 3.5. It needs the 3.6 update to function properly. This update to superCard is available free from IncWell if you already own SC3.5.

Tangerine 1.5.1 editor upgrade (662K) (released September 1999)

    Download this package only if you already have an older version of Tangerine installed. This archive includes the Tangerine Editor, upgrade and history docs. You need a copy of superCard 3.6 to use it.

Tangerine 1.5-J editor upgrade (663K)

    This upgrade is for users of superCard 3.6-J only. It will not work correctly under other OSes. To use this package you need to have a full version of Tangerine already installed. This archive includes the Tangerine Editor, upgrade and history docs.

For SuperCard 3.5

Tangerine 1.4 full package (988K) for superCard 3.5.x

    This includes the Tangerine Editor, styles folder, Companion project, TG test project and Register application. Download this package if you're a first time user of Tangerine and still working with SC 3.5. This version will work with superCard 3.6 but won't take advantage of the new features. If you use SC 3.6, download Tangerine 1.5.1 above instead.

Tangerine 1.4 editor upgrade (641K)

    This includes the Tangerine Editor alone and is suitable only for previous users of Tangerine. The editor will not work if you don't have a "Tangerine styles" folder already on your hard drive.

For SuperCard 3.0.x and FlameThrower 1.0

Tangerine 1.3 full package (988K) for superCard 3.0.x and FlameThrower

    This package includes everything you need to try Tangerine with superCard 3.0.x or FlameThrower. Note that you need superCard version 3.0.x to run this version. If you're using SC3.5 or 3.6, download one of the Tangerine versions above instead.

Tangerine 1.3 editor upgrade (641K)

    Download this package only if you already have an older version of Tangerine installed. This archive includes the Tangerine Editor, upgrade and history docs. You need a copy of superCard 3.0.x to use it.


rareSoftware - Tangerine - Screen shots - Downloads


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